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Public Trip
June 27, 2024

Chianti Classico

This is our classic Tuscany trip, the culmination of all our local knowledge and a perfect expression of the Mangia, Beve, Bici experience. Back when he was still a professional…
Public Trip
June 17, 2024


Varied terrain, a warm climate, and an airport. These are the reasons that Girona tops the list of any professional cyclist looking for a home. But the city,…
October 23, 2023

Chianti Classico with Jim Smyrl

This is our classic Tuscany trip, the culmination of all our local knowledge and a perfect expression of the Mangia, Beve, Bici experience. Back when he was still a professional…
Public Trip
May 23, 2023

The Strade Bianche experience

Riders have been grinding gravel in Tuscany long before it became fashionable elsewhere. The region’s dusty backroads give an alternative view on this beautiful part of the world, and offer an enchanting glimpse…
Public Trip
May 22, 2023

Chianti Classico

This is our classic Tuscany trip, the culmination of all our local knowledge and a perfect expression of the Mangia, Beve, Bici experience. Back when he was still a professional…