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From 19th November to 24th November 2024, inGamba will be hosting an exceptional trip at Canyon Ranch in Tucson.

If you’re hoping to kickstart a wellness journey or just lean in to the best the cycling and wellness world have to offer, inGamba’s tour in collaboration with Canyon Ranch will exceed all of your expectations. Combine the world of cycling with a week of wellness in Arizona where inGamba’s motto of “Mangia. Bevi. Bici.” (eat, drink, bike) takes on new meaning at Canyon Ranch.

While we heartily believe that it’s hard to beat a great glass of wine or the perfectly prepared espresso at the top of a mountain pass, we also know that for many, a focus on holistic wellness is as important as improving their FTP. If you’re hoping to have a great base-building training camp where the focus is all about health, longevity and improving your mind, body and spirit, or you’re hoping to kickstart a journey to healthy weight-loss, a week at the health-oriented Canyon Ranch is an ideal option.


This retreat offers a great opportunity to ride many end-of-season miles in rural Arizona’s beautiful, untouched landscape while benefiting from the expertise and hospitality that has made Canyon Ranch famous worldwide. Their integrative approach to wellness, encompassing mind, body, and spirit, will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized, with a better understanding of how your body functions and the role your mind plays in your fitness. There’s no better way to end the season and look forward to the new one.

Over the course of the week, you’ll ride for five days with a seasoned inGamba guide. Olympic gold medalist Eros Poli will guide you through the gorgeous desert surrounding Tucson, coming back to Canyon Ranch for a daily massage as well as healthy meals created with in-season, locally sourced ingredients. (Check with Poli if you need a wine recommendation, he’s somewhat of an expert!).


Canyon Ranch has a history dating back over four decades to the late 1970s, well before wellness became a major industry or even a widely recognized term. Founder Mel Zuckerman’s decision to change his sedentary lifestyle led to a profound transformation, inspiring him to help others do the same.

The first Canyon Ranch opened in 1979 in Tucson, Arizona, pioneering a new type of travel and a new approach to self-care. Zuckerman’s idea has inspired millions to pursue a healthier life, and Canyon Ranch remains a leader in the field. When we decided to expand the inGamba experience to include a more focused, scientific approach to health, we knew that they were the perfect partners.

Our first trip to Arizona was a huge success, and we’re excited to return with an even better program of off-the-bike services designed specifically to help you elevate your cycling experience. This includes:

– Metabolic exercise assessment

– Meals programmed with nutrition experts

– Sports medicine consult

– Off-the-bike fun: group hikes and yoga to creative arts, wellness presentations and fitness classes

If you have a spouse or partner who loves all things wellness-related but isn’t a cyclist, this is the perfect trip since Canyon Ranch is open to all. You can ride with the inGamba crew during the day while your partner heads out on a guided hike or does an immersive yoga session, then meet back up for a game of tennis before dinner. 

According to Katie Bolling from our sales team, who has already experienced this incredible trip: “As soon as I arrived, I sensed my pulse relaxing to a slower pace, more in tune with my surroundings. I was greeted at the door by a staff member who welcomed me like an old friend, and I knew right away that Canyon Ranch would make for a wonderful addition to our calendar, offering a close-to-home oasis for the inGamba family.”

She continues, “My stay in Tucson was full of all the things I love about inGamba: delectable cuisine, friendly company, gorgeous cycling routes, and staff that felt like family.” You can read about her experience here.

Book your trip to Canyon Ranch!

Schedule a call with our team now and uncover why this is the perfect trip for you.

Miguel Andrade

A writer and photographer obsessed with creating a modern image of Portugal, Miguel’s reporting for the New York Times, Esquire, and more have helped make Lisbon a food destination and a post-lockdown dream for many. He just collaborated on a cookbook called Portugal: The Cookbook (Phaidon), a Portuguese cuisine encyclopedia with more than 550 recipes.