Small things can actually make a huge difference, especially when you’re on a bike trip.
Whether it’s a perfectly timed gel halfway up a long climb or a glass of cold, crisp white wine at the end of the day’s ride, you know the tiny details make (or break) the day. And you can pack plenty of little things to ensure the best possible trip!
As the Boy Scouts say, ‘Be prepared.’ While at inGamba, we pride ourselves in ensuring that you have everything you need to have the best possible time on and off the bike; there are a few things you can bring for our trips that will make a world difference regarding your comfort and enjoyment.
Slightly large sandals
After a long ride, the last thing you’ll want to do is squeeze your feet into another pair of stiff shoes when you’re just padding around the hotel or hanging out on the patio (or even waiting for your massage with one of our soigneurs). A comfortable, slightly large pair of sandals can be a godsend after a day of having your feet tightly packed in your cycling shoes. (If it’s going to be chilly at your destination, feel free to swap sandals for a cozy pair of slippers!)
Roomy casual clothes
You may notice that by Day 3 of a cycling trip where you’re riding big miles, something strange happens: You start to feel puffy, even though you’re sure you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming. But when you start putting in big hours on the bike, and your body isn’t used to it, you tend to retain more water than usual. Jeans and other clothing with minimal stretch may start to feel uncomfortable by Day 4. Because of this, having slightly more comfortable clothes for lounging in can make a world of difference. (Besides—you’re spending all day on the bike in tight spandex. You deserve a break!)

Sleep mask + earplugs
Hotels can have all kinds of weird sounds throughout the night, either due to the settling of the building, the air conditioner turning on and off, or just the other hotel patrons wandering the corridors. Block it out by bringing a sleep mask and earplugs. If you don’t use these regularly at home, test them at least once or twice before your trip. Some people are more sensitive to certain styles of eye masks and find that they need more space between their eyes and the mask, and others may dislike a specific type of earplug or find that one type is more prone to instantly falling out.
Portable phone charger
A small portable phone charger can be a lifesaver if you’re on a long ride in an extended service area since your phone will be hunting for a signal all day. (And we’re guessing you’ll also be taking tons of photos and videos!) Look for one that can easily be tucked into a jersey pocket or saddle bag. You may also want to invest in short 6-inch to 12-inch cables for your phone and computer so you can easily carry them with you on the ride in case you need to charge.
Pepto Bismol or other stomach soother
Unfortunately, if you’re not used to extensive hours on the bike, in addition to tired legs, you may also find that you’re dealing with some gut distress. This is especially common if you’re already suffering from jet lag or eating foods that are outside your normal routine (even if they taste delicious!). Bringing a small bottle of Pepsi Bismol or your favorite ginger tea can help alleviate gut distress, especially in the evening when you’re trying to rest before tomorrow’s ride.