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Time flies and it flies especially when you are having fun and doing something you love.  It feels like yesterday we were saying that we were about to leave for our classics trip to see some of our friends at Roubaix and Flanders.  Today we are returning to Europe for our Summer schedule having completed five trips in six weeks in Belgium and Italy.

It is difficult to pick out one moment that stands out the most but its hard not to get excited about riding the last 100Km of Paris-Roubaix the day before the race with Roger Hammond and then getting the door to the Roubaix showers unlocked just for us.  Although Thor did not win Roubaix (this year) we still enjoyed chasing the race and thanks to our soigneur Bart were even able to sneak into the caravan.  That’s right, we got the van inside the carevan and our guests got to experience something that few people ever do.  The race from inside the race.   Jered Gruber who was shooting and leading rides for us puts it best in the recent Peloton Magazine article One Year Ago where along with our soigneur Bart and five guests we followed the race and even got in the caravan with the red van.

Following Belgium we were in Chianti doing what we have become known best for.  I’m happy to say that despite hundreds of miles ridden everybody gained weight.  Mission accomplished.  Both Ted King and Roger Hammond made appearances as did Giovanni Lombardi the legendary leadout man for Mario Cipolini.  It was great to spend time with these guys and share with them also what we love about the area.

The riding has gotten better and better and we enjoyed rides as long as 5 hours and as short as my favorite coffee shop ride from Lecchi to Castelnuovo Beradenga (2 hours).  All of our guests got to experience this amazing area and we like to think that we just made 25 new friends over the past few weeks.


We’ve been fortunate to have some amazing press over the past few weeks. Our Portugal trip this September was named by Men’s Journal as one of the must do adventures of the year. You can see it here. In addition to Jered Grubers piece on Roubaix we were also featured in what I like to call Heidi Swift’s ode to our soigneur Raul as part of her Peloton Magazine* article on preparing for the Tour and we are greatful to slowtwitch for featuring us recently.


When we're riding, only the best is good enough. So we've applied that philosophy to everything that we do at inGamba. Our mechanics and soigneurs have Pro Tour experience and our clothing and equipment are the best that money can buy. Nothing we do or use is left to chance and we've left no stone unturned in our quest to create the most incredible experience possible. Because we know that even the smallest detail can make a big difference.